Burundi’s First Lady Angeline Ndayishimiye has called on companies that are involved in taking Burundian women to Saudi Arabia to first assess the environment before transporting the domestic workers.
This comes after a video went viral on social media claiming to be Burundians who were sent to Saudi Arabia sleeping on the floor as the narrator said it was a kitchen, due to lack of accommodation.
“We cannot talk of women’s rights leaving behind the right of girls, taking into account of what is happening…I call upon those organizations not to send people where they do not know or have made assessment. To parents, they have to know that we need educated women, instead of putting ahead money they should fight for the women’s right,” said the First Lady in an interview with reporters at the Rwanda-Burundi border of Gasenyi-Nemba in Kirundo in the northern province of Burundi.
Burundi’s First Lady Angeline Ndayishimiye’s comments came during her return from the 2023 edition of the Woman Deliver Conference that took place in Kigali (Rwanda).
Burundi’s First Lady told the reporters at the border that during the conference, the participants agreed that for a sustainable development in the region and Africa women’s rights needs to be protected and respected.