Burundi fronts ruling party deputy secretary general for EALA Speakership

Gitega has now fronted Joseph Ntakarutimana the Deputy Secretary General of Burundi’s ruling party CNDD-FDD for the position of speakership that is slated for this Tuesday December 20th. While addressing the press in Arusha, Mr. Ntakarutimana said that his objective will be to make sure the interests of East Africans is at the fore...

OLUCOME and PARCEM press conference interrupted by police

This Monday morning the press conference that was organized by the Observatory for the Fight against Corruption and Economic Malpractice (OLUCOME) and Speech and Actions for the Awakening of Consciences and the Evolution of Mentalities (PARCEM), was interrupted by the law enforcers that was set to address the challenges and call for the government to reconsider the...