COMESA hands over the Chair of Tripartite Task Force
The Tripartite brings together three RECs, including the East African Community into a cooperative framework on the implementation of the Tripartite Free Trade Area Agreement (TFTA) that was launched in 2015. PHOTO| BurundiTimes
The Common
Market for East and Southern Africa (COMESA) has handed over the stewardship of
the tripartite group of Regional Economic Communities (RECs)...
World Bank, IMF mobilize partners in the fight against COVID-19 in Africa
The World Bank Group and the IMF suggested a range of financing options and policy tools as part of the pandemic response, many of which African countries are looking to implement as they plan for the medium and long-term impacts of the crisis. PHOTO| FILE.
The World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund today convened African...
Youth Investment Bank opens in Gitega
Burudi's president Pierre Nkurunziza together with Evelyn Butoyi the minister for youth during the official launching of the bank in Gitega on April 15th. 2020. PHOTO| Burundi government.
Burundi’s president
Pierre Nkurunziza on Wednesday April 15th 2020 officially launched a
Youth Investement Bank (BIJE) with the aim of fighting Youth unemployment in
the country through providing loans...
IMF Enhances Debt Relief Trust to Enable Support for Eligible Low-Income Countries
The COVID-19 outbreak and the associated global economic turmoil creates a critical need to support the Fund’s membership. PHOTO| FILE
In direct response to the COVID-19 crisis the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Board has adopted some immediate enhancements to its Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust (CCRT) to enable the Fund to provide debt...
Is Burundi government’s move to suspend forex bureaus the right call?
Burundi’s small scale traders were left in dilemma after the Central Bank’s move to stifle the forex bureaus country wide that exchange foreign currency on a much higher rate. PHOTO| FILE
As Burundian
government stepped up to suspend the operationalization of the forex bureaus in
the country, some economic analysts backed the government’s decision arguing
that the...
Mixed reactions over ‘curfew’ on bars in Bujumbura
Burundi’s President Pierre Nkurunziza backed the decision urging Burundians “to take drinks at home and share with their family members”. PHOTO| FILE.
Curfew on bars in Bujumbura have raised mixed reactions in citizens and
bar owners on the impact the measure is causing to the Burundian society and
the economy.
In November...
German injects $128 million in East Africa’s education and Health programmes
The East African Community Secretary General Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko and the German’s Charge d’Affaires Jorg Herrera after signing the agreement on December 4th 2019. PHOTO| Burundi Times
The East African Community (EAC) Secretary
General Liberat Mfumukeko on Thursday signed an agreement worth $ 128 million
with German’s Charge d’Affaires Jorg Herrera in Arusha, the fund...
Regional Blocs launch platform to connect women in business
The digital platform is designed to address the information that is needed by women in business and connect them via a custom-built social networking tool that was launched in Kigali, Rwanda on November 21st 2019. PHOTO|FILE.
COMESA, East African Community and ECOWAS launched a networking platform
to connect 50 million African women in...
Burundi standards Bureau questions BRARUDI drinks
With more than 60 years of operation in Burundi, BRARUDI remains the largest brewer and soft beverage company in the territory. PHOTO| BRARUDI
The Burundi
Bureau of Standards (BBN) expressed concerns over the quality of drinks brewed
by the country’s major brewery BRARUDI a French acronym for (Brasseries et Limonaderies du
In a...
Kenya strengthens ties with Burundi, eyes DRC market
The free trade zone near DRC will be offered to Kenya’s private sector business men including the chambers of commerce and Kenya manufactures association to showcase Kenyan products mainly consumer and industrial products. PHOTO|FILE
Kenya has
stepped up efforts to strengthen the bilateral relations with the Burundian
government in efforts to boost trade between the...